November 20, 2008

The Infant Nutrition Program is Born!

It has been almost one year to the date that we brought our beautiful son Luka home. Most of you know that when we brought Luka home he was 8 months and weighed a little over 3 kg (less than 8 lbs.). As new parents and with all the excitement we didn't realize how tiny he really was. With the grace of God, good nutrition and loads of love Luka has grown up to a normal, healthy and beautiful boy.

As the months went by after we brought Luka home we continued to visit the orphanage on a regular basis. I realized that the babies really had the hardest time in terms of nutrition and development. If a child arrived as a newborn they had a hard time catching up to a suitable weight and size.

In talking to my friend Nadia Brito - a local nutritionist and owner of Santé - she was very interested in the children at the orphanage. We made an appointment to meet with the administrators and told them about our idea of starting a program that would concentrate on the nutrition and well-being of the babies 0 - 24 months.

The photos from our visit are seen above. The children are beautiful and just need some love and extra TLC. Santé has committed to a monthly donation and I (Melissa) will be responsible for visiting the orphanage at the beginning of each month to ask what the babies need most for that month and then do the shopping with the money collected from Santé and other private donations. I will also be stopping by every month for surprise visits with the babies. We will begin next month!

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