November 12, 2009

November Delivery

We were able to buy some really cool things due to the generosity of some local and overseas friends this month:

- Mavis Huger & Family from the USA ($200 USD)
- Jan Erik & Coby van Herksen from the Netherlands (100 Euros) [These are Luka's grandparents and they are pictured above, the handsome guy carrying Luka is my hubby]
- Catherine Clarence & Family from Maputo (generous diaper donation)

Today I just delivered...get ready for this:

Diapers (1,144!!!!)
Soy Formula Cans (7)
Plastic Feeding Bibs (15)
Mobiles for Cribs (8)

Here is a little background on this month's items because at first glance it might not seem like a big deal.

The diapers were a godsend. Today as I arrived all the babies were in towels because they had run out. The workers and volunteers were very happy to see the diapers. They really count on our monthly donation.

The plastic feeding bibs are extremely useful and hygienic. Many of these little ones learn to feed themselves very young and if they use regular bibs they have to wash them and it takes long to get them back clean. These bibs last much longer and are very easy to clean, which is very important when you are feeding 15-20 little ones at the same time.

The eight mobiles went over the cribs of the tiniest ones at the orphanage. They really need music and stimulation and now they will have a lullaby and happy faces to help them catch their zzzzz's.

Please email if you have any questions and remember we are always looking for donations.